(1) This association shall be known as the Maris Stella High School Alumni, Singapore.
(2) Its objects are:
(i) To foster friendly association among members;
(ii) To promote the cultivation of virtue and learning amongst members;
(iii) To seek mutual welfare for members;
(iv) To render assistance in the development of the Alma Mater.
(4) Membership has two kinds:
(i) Associate Membership; and
(ii) Life Membership
Anyone who has studied (Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary or Pre-University Section) at Maris Stella High School and who may be undergoing study at other schools or tertiary institutions; the age of which is under 21 years, who acquiesces in its objects and is willing to abide by its rules and regulations shall be eligible for Associate Membership. Associate Members can be converted to Life Members at anytime after reaching the age of 21 years and upon payment of prevailing membership fees PROVIDED ALWAYS that members that have been deceased or lost contact with the Alumni for a period of more than three (3) years may be de-registered and may be reinstated upon member’s appeal and at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee (“EXCO”).
(5) An applicant whose application has been approved by the EXCO of the Alumni and who has paid his membership fees will be accepted as a member
(6) All members of the Alumni have the following duties:
(i) All members of the Alumni should abide by its rules and regulations and follow all passed resolutions;
(ii) They should pay their membership fee to be determined by the EXCO and approved at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).
(7) All members of the Alumni shall enjoy all the privileges and rights accorded by its rules and regulations except that Associate members shall have no right to vote on any issue, vote at and stand for elections.
(26) All EXCO members of the Alumni shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and they shall be eligible for re-election, with the exception of the President whose office shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) terms and a total of six (6) years and Treasurer whose office shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) terms and a total of four (4) years.