MSHS Alumni



(1) This association shall be known as the Maris Stella High School Alumni, Singapore.

(2) Its objects are:

    (i) To foster friendly association among members;

    (ii) To promote the cultivation of virtue and learning amongst members;

    (iii) To seek mutual welfare for members;

    (iv) To render assistance in the development of the Alma Mater.




(4) Membership has two kinds:

    (i) Associate Membership; and

    (ii) Life Membership

Anyone who has studied (Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary or Pre-University Section) at Maris Stella High School and who may be undergoing study at other schools or tertiary institutions; the age of which is under 21 years, who acquiesces in its objects and is willing to abide by its rules and regulations shall be eligible for Associate Membership. Associate Members can be converted to Life Members at anytime after reaching the age of 21 years and upon payment of prevailing membership fees PROVIDED ALWAYS that members that have been deceased or lost contact with the Alumni for  a period of more than three (3) years may be de-registered and may be reinstated upon member’s appeal and at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee (“EXCO”). 

(5) An applicant whose application has been approved by the EXCO of the Alumni and who has paid his membership fees will be accepted as a member

(6) All members of the Alumni have the following duties:

    (i) All members of the Alumni should abide by its rules and regulations and follow all passed resolutions;

    (ii) They should pay their membership fee to be determined by the EXCO and approved at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).

(7) All members of the Alumni shall enjoy all the privileges and rights accorded by its rules and regulations except that Associate members shall have no right to vote on any issue, vote at and stand for elections.

(8) The management of the Alumni shall be organised as follows:

    (i) The General Meeting of members; and

    (ii) The EXCO.

(9) The General Meeting of members shall be the highest body of the Alumni and has the right to manage all the business of the Alumni.   When the General Meeting of members is not sitting, the EXCO shall carry out all its resolutions and rulings.

(10) The EXCO shall consist of eighteen (18) members elected at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of members at every alternate AGM.

(11) The nomination of above-mentioned officers shall be proposed by one (1) member and seconded by another.   All voting members will then cast their votes for election at the AGM.   Those who return the highest number of votes are elected to office.

(12) The Office-bearers elected at AGM shall consist of: A (1) President, one (1) First Vice-President, one (1) Second Vice-President, one (1) Secretary and two (2) assistant Secretaries, one (1) Treasurer and one (1) assistant Treasurer, and ten (10) EXCO members. They shall be responsible for the execution and management of all the affairs of the EXCO and the Alumni.

(13) One voting (1) member who is not a member of the EXCO will be appointed as Hon. Auditor at each alternate AGM and will hold office for two (2) years only and must not be re-appointed in subsequent year.  The Hon. Auditor will be required to audit each year's accounts and present a report to the EXCO for the approval of the voting members present at the AGM.

(14) In the event of resignation or termination of any one of the EXCO members, the EXCO shall have the power to co-opt new committee member/s, if necessary, until the next election with the consent of more than 1/2 of the incumbent EXCO members. Any changes in the EXCO shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies, within two (2) weeks of the change. 

(15) Patrons, Honorary Presidents and Honorary Advisers shall be proposed by the Executive Committee with the consent of at least 2/3 of the life members present at the AGM. They shall not have any voting rights or hold office of the alumni but may act within their advisory capacity. Patrons, Honorary Presidents and Honorary Advisers shall be appointed by the majority voting members present at the AGM as proposed by the EXCO. They shall not have any voting rights or hold office of the Alumni but may act within their advisory capacity.

(16) The present Principal and any one (1) of the Vice Principals of Maris Stella High School shall be ex-officio advisers.

(17) The General Meeting of members shall be the highest body of the Alumni. Its functions are as follows:

    (i) To review all resolutions of the previous meeting and make decisions on all important proposed matters;

    (ii) To accept and pass all reports;

    (iii)  To make additions and amendments to the rules and regulations of the Alumni; (these shall come into force only with the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies); and
    (iv) To manage and make decisions on important matters.

(18) When the General Meeting of members is not sitting, the Exco is the highest body of the Alumni. Its functions are as follows:

    (i) To carry out all the rulings of the General Meeting of Members;

    (ii) To accept and examine the reports of all offices;

    (iii) To organise, make decision and carry out all matters which are for the betterment of the Alumni;

    (iv) To approve admission of new members;

    (v) To propose Patrons, Advisers, Honorary Presidents and Honorary Advisers; and

    (vi) To manage the funds of the Alumni.

(19) The duties of the President and Vice Presidents are as follows:
    (i) To preside at the General Meeting of members and the EXCO Meeting;

    (ii) To carry out all resolutions of the EXCO;

    (iii) To represent the Alumni in external affairs;

    (iv) To sign important documents, cheques etc. of the Alumni;

    (v) To draw up a plan for the affairs and business of the Alumni; and

    (vi) To be present at the General Meeting of members.

(20) The duties of the Secretaries are as follows:

    (i) To assist the President in all the affairs of the Alumni;

    (ii) To take charge of all external and internal documentary matters;

    (iii) To convene the General Meeting of members and the EXCO Meeting, in accordance with the decision of the EXCO;

    (iv) To keep the safety of all the records of the General Meeting of members and the EXCO Meetings.

    (v) To maintain an up-to-date register of the members of the Alumni.

    (vi) To notify members promptly all particular and urgent issues from the President and the EXCO; and 

    (vii) To conduct systematic communication about the General Affairs of the Alumni and the activities of members.

(21) The duties of the Treasurer is as follows:
    (i) To draw up the income and expenditure estimates and the balance of all accounts, and to keep in safety all the accounts;

    (ii) The Treasurer shall keep an account of all funds and collect disburse all moneys on behalf of the Alumni. He shall keep account of all monetary transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He is authorised to expend up to $1000/- per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Alumni. He will not keep more than $500/- in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited into a bank to be named by the EXCO. Cheques etc. for withdrawals from the bank will be signed by at least two (2) of the following, the President, any one (1) of the Vice Presidents or any one (1) of the Secretaries in addition to the Treasurer.

    (iii) To take charge of all matters in connection with the collection of fees;

(22) The meetings of the Alumni are divided into two types:

    (i) The General Meeting of members.

    (ii) The EXCO Meeting.


    (i) The AGM shall be convened by June of every year. In case of necessity, an Extraordinary General Meeting of members may be convened by order of the EXCO, or by the joint written request of not less than one third of the members. At least twenty-five per cent (25%) of the total voting membership or thirty (30) voting members, whichever is the lesser, present at a General Meeting shall form a quorum.

    (ii) Minimum two weeks’ notice must be given of an AGM and at least ten days’ notice of any other General Meeting and particulars of its agenda must be posted four days in advance of the meeting. The following points will be considered at the AGM:

(1) The previous year’s account and report of the EXCO.

(2) The election of office-bearers for the following years.

Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so provided he gives notice in writing to the Secretaries one (1) week before the meeting is due to be held.

    (iii) In the event of there being no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for half-an-hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall form the quorum, but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing rules. Notes of the adjourned meeting shall be conveyed to the members. 

    (iv) General Meeting of the Alumni may be convened, held or conducted, whether wholly or partly by electronic means e.g. video conferencing / teleconferencing and particulars of which e.g. URL details, how the meeting may be conducted and how members may participate in / access the meeting may be prescribed by the EXCO from time to time and must be stated in the Notice of Meeting published on the Alumni’s website or sent to the voting members by way of electronic means or otherwise.  For the avoidance of doubt, electronic voting by voting members on any matter / resolution discussed or arose is expressly allowed.

(24) The EXCO shall hold a meeting once every two (2) months and to be convened by the Secretary.  An extraordinary EXCO Meeting may be convened by the Secretary or upon joint written request of not less than one-third (1/3) of the EXCO members. When the meeting is in sitting, at least one-third (1/3) of the EXCO members present shall form a quorum. EXCO Meeting of the Alumni may be convened, held or conducted, whether wholly or partly, by electronic means e.g. video conferencing / teleconferencing and particulars of which e.g. URL details, how the meeting may be conducted and how members may participate in / access the meeting must be stated in the Notice of Meeting published on the Alumni’s website or sent to the EXCO members by way of electronic means or otherwise.  For the avoidance of doubt, electronic voting by EXCO members on any matter discussed or arose is expressly allowed.

(25) When the General Meeting of members is in sitting, the President and Secretaries shall be ex-officio Chairmen and recorders respectively.   When the EXCO Meeting is in sitting, the President shall be the ex-officio Chairman.   In the absence of the President, the First and Second Vice-Presidents in succession shall be elected to be the chairman.   In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, one of the EXCO members present shall be elected to be the Chairman, and the Secretary shall be the recorder.

(26) All EXCO members of the Alumni shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and they shall be eligible for re-election, with the exception of the President whose office shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) terms and a total of six (6) years and Treasurer whose office shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) terms and a total of four (4) years. 

(27) When the term of office has ended, the Secretaries shall be responsible for the affairs of the next election. The procedure of the election subject to Rule (24) shall be as follows:

    (i) A day is fixed to convene a General Meeting of members;

    (ii) The Secretaries shall publish the list of voting members standing for election; 

    (iii) The Secretaries shall place all the proposed items forwarded by the voting members in the agenda;

    (iv) Ballots papers shall be distributed when the meeting is in sitting and the eighteen (18) EXCO members shall be elected and one (1) Hon. Auditor shall be appointed.

(28) All officer-bearers of the EXCO make all the necessary transfer when the new officer-bearers enter their term of office.

(29) Funds of the Alumni is fixed as follows :-
    (i) Each life member and associate member shall pay an amount to be determined by EXCO and approved by the majority of voting members present at the AGM.

    (ii) Should the Alumni run short of funds, an extraordinary subscription and other contributions can be raised with the consent of General Meeting of members.

(30) The Alumni shall act as trustee for the special Scholarship Fund set up in honour of the Founder. The Alumni shall prudently manage and disburse the Scholarship Fund. For the avoidance of doubt, any disbursement can only be made towards current or past students of the Maris Stella High School and the Maris Stella High School (Primary Section) who have met the criteria prescribed by the EXCO.

(31) Prohibitions of the Alumni are as follows:-

    (i) All internal and external activities of the Alumni shall not be contrary to the tradition of management and objects of the Alma Mater and the Alumni.

    (ii) Gambling of any kind excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the Alumni's premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.

    (iii) The funds of the Alumni shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in Court nor shall they be used for donation, presents or any other purposes in connection with any political parties or trade unions or for any purposes which are not for the furtherance of the objects of the Alumni.

    (iv) The Alumni shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activity as defined in the Trade Unions Ordinance.

    (v) The Alumni shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Alumni or its office-bearers, EXCO or members, unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.

    (vi) The Alumni shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its premises to be used by political parties or trade unions or for any purpose incompatible with the objects of the Alumni.

(32) The EXCO has power to authorise any expenditure of a sum not exceeding $50,000/- per half a year with the consent of more than half (1/2) of the EXCO members, from the Alumni Funds for the Alumni's purposes. Any expenditure in excess of this amount shall require the approval of the voting members at a General Meeting.

(33) Any member who has seriously violated the prohibitions of the Alumni and has been expelled with the decision of the EXCO shall not be allowed to make new application for admission.

(34) The duty of the Executive Committee is to organize the daily activities of the Alumni and to make decision on matters, affecting its running when the General Meeting is not in sitting.   It may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the General Meeting without prior reference to it and always remain sub-ordinate to the General Meeting.

(35) Public statements including circulars, letters, press release, pamphlets etc. must first have the approval of the EXCO before their release.

(36) In the event of any questions or matter arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in the rules, the EXCO shall have power to use its own discretion.

(37) Any changes to the Rules and Regulations of the Alumni may be approved with the consent of two-third (2/3) of the voting members present at the General Meeting, and they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.

(38) Whenever any defects are found in these rules, amendments may be made at the General Meeting of members, but they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.

(39) Should the Alumni desire any dissolution, it shall undergo the following procedure:

    (i) The Alumni shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than two-third (2/3) of the voting members of the Alumni for the time being resident in Singapore expressed, either in person or proxy at a General Meeting convened for the purpose, or by postal vote.

    (ii) In the event of the Alumni being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Alumni shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds, if any shall either be divided equally among the voting members or donated to educational or charitable institution of Singapore as decided by the General Meeting.

    (iii) Notice of dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.

1)本会定名为 新加坡海星中学校友会。
i.  联络会员感情。
ii. 增进会员品学修养。
iii. 谋取会员共同福利。
iv. 协助母校发展。
3)本会会址设于新加坡翡珑山路25  邮区368051
凡曾经在海星中学就读(启蒙班/ 小学部/ 中学部/ 高中部)而目前在其他学校或高等学府就读,年龄在二十一岁以下,赞同本会宗旨,并愿遵守本会会章者,均可申请为准会员。在其年龄满二十一岁的任何时候,一旦缴清入会费,即可转换为永久会员。会员一旦亡故,或与本会失去联系三年以上者,可以被除名。失去联络被除名的会员,可申请恢复会籍,唯本会理事会有权酌情处理,并做出最终定夺。
i. 应遵守会章及服从议决案。
ii. 应缴纳由理事会议决,并经常年会员大会批准的会费。
i. 会员大会。
ii. 理事会。
正会长         1
第一副会长  :1
第二副会长  :1
正秘书          1
副秘书          2
正财政          1
副财政          1
理事成员     10
i. 覆准前期议案,及议决各项重要提案。
ii. 接受并通过各项报告。
iii. 增删及通过本会章程(经社团注册局批准后,始可执行)。
iv. 处理及决定其他重要事项。
i. 执行会员大会之议决案。
ii. 接受及审查各组之报告。
iii. 策划及议决并执行本会推动兴革之事宜。
iv. 核准新会员。
v. 选聘赞助人,顾问及名誉会长。
vi. 掌管本会经费。
i. 会员大会及理事会会议时担任主席。
ii. 执行理事会议决案。
iii. 对外代表本会。
iv. 签署本会重要文件、支票等。
v. 拟定会务工作方针。
vi. 出席会员大会。
i. 协助会长处理本会一切事务。
ii. 处理本会各种文书事项。
iii. 秉承理事会决定,召集会员大会及理事会会议。
iv. 掌管会员大会、理事会之会议记录。
v. 保管一份本会最新之会员记录。
vi. 负责及时将会长及理事会所作的决议,或任何紧急事项通知会员。
vii. 应有系统地处理会务、和会员活动事宜。
i. 制订收支预算及结算,保管本会一切账目。
ii. 保管一切款项,代表本会收款和付账,并将本会来往账目详细记录。财政有权代表本会支付本会雜费,唯每月以一千元($1000)为限。财政手上不得存有超过五百元($500)现款,若现款超出此限额时,财政须将其存于理事会所指定之银行。
iii. 所有支票及银行提款文件皆至少需由会长/ 其中一名副会长, 一名秘书连同财政,三人联名签发。
iv. 办理征收会费事宜。
i. 会员大会。
ii. 理事会。
i. 常年会员大会将于每年六月底之前举行。若必要时,经理事会议决,或者由不少于三分之一的永久会员书面联署要求,可召开特别会员大会。大会召开时,必须以有投票权的全体会员当中的至少四分之一(25%)或至少30人(以人数较低者为标准)为法定出席人数。
ii. 凡欲举行常年会员大会,须于事前至少两周(14天)预先通告各会员。若举行其他任何会员大会,亦需于事前至少10天,预先通告各会员。在会议举行前至少四天,必须公布议程细节。常年会员大会之议程应包括下列各项:
1. 去年账目及理事会之报告。
2. 选举下届理事(每两年一次)
iii. 开会时若不足法定人数,则应延会半小时。届时若仍不足法定人数,则出席人数不论多寡,既可算已达法定人数,可进行会议。但该次会议对于现行会章之各项章程一概无权加以增删或修改,延会之会议记录应传予全体会员。
iv. 会员大会之举行,可以全程或局部通过电子媒介(例如:网络、录像、电信等),并且其与会方式之细节(例如:与会媒介、方式、人数限制、网址、密码等)将由理事会按情况决定,但必须明文记载于大会通知信,并发布在校友会网站;或通过诸如电子邮件等联系方式,转达拥有投票权的全体会员。为避免产生误解,特此声明:拥有投票权之会员将被允许通过电子投票,对任何事项或议案进行表决。
i. 择定召开会员大会之日期。
ii. 由秘书公布符合资格之参选者名单。
iii. 由秘书归纳各项有效提案,制定议程。
iv. 由秘书在开会时分发选票,当场选举18名理事会成员,并委任一人为查账员。
i. 每位永久会员及准会员皆须缴交由理事会制订,并经常年大会拥有投票权之大多数会员核准通过的会费。
ii. 本会若遇经费不足时,可经由会员大会授权通过后,征收特殊会费及其他捐款。
i. 本会一切对内及对外之活动,不得违背母校之办学理念及精神,以及校友会之规章制度。
ii. 除了获得私人彩票法案批准的私人彩票,不可在本会会所进行任何形式的赌博活动。禁止将赌博或吸毒用品,以及任何品行不端者带入会所。
iii. 本会资金不可用于支付会员罚款,也不可用于任何涉及政党、工会组织或其他不符合本会宗旨的献金或馈赠。
iv. 本会依照现行的工会条令之规定,不可涉及任何工会活动。
v. 除非获得有关当局批准,否则不得使用本会或其理事及会员的名义发行任何形式的彩票,无论是否只限于会员。
vi. 本会不可进行政治活动,也不允许本会会所被用来进行任何政党、工会组织或其他不符合本会宗旨的活动。
32)理事会有权批准每半年不超过五万元($50, 000) 之费用,但需得到超过半数的理事同意。若支出费用超过此金额,需先在会员大会上获得有投票权的会员之批准。

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